**News Flash** Acceptance of Evolution the Root of Drunken Misadventures Among College Students

Just read an article on the Institute for Creation Research’s website, and thought I’d share it on here.  I’ve said many times that anti-evolution movements are often sociopolitical rather than scientific at their base, and this article supports that claim.  According to the article (available here), an acceptance of humanism (which the article implies is deeply connected to an acceptance of evolution) is the cause for society’s ills, such as hedonism, alcoholism, and other miscellaneous evils.  The article also argues that universities are bastions for humanism, thus apparently making college campuses ripe breeding grounds for hedonism.  Let us not be mistaken, however.  The article also makes it clear that religious college students are not as at risk for drunken adventures as other students.  The cause of the problem is placed squarely on the shoulders of humanism and an acceptance of evolution.

Funny; I accept evolution as a valid science, yet I’m not glued to the bottom of a barstool or the rim of a pub toilet.  Oh well.  Can’t fit the stereotypes all the time.  Just keep in mind that this type of scenario is at the base of movements such as the Young Earth Creationist movement.  It’s not really the science that is the problem; it’s the worldview.  If you need me, I’ll be at the pub.

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6 Comments on “**News Flash** Acceptance of Evolution the Root of Drunken Misadventures Among College Students”

  1. darwinsbulldog Says:

    Michael Barton's first pint

    The claim that religious students are less likely to drink and get stupid is, well, simply stupid.

  2. Carissa Madsen Says:

    Have to admit with college drinking being a concern it is a good scheme. However, I do not agree with the article a hundred percent.
    The claim that religious student are less likely to drink and get stupid is not entirely stupid.
    From my perspective:
    It about personal ‘values’ and personal view on life.I guess what one could call a personal philosophy. This personal philosophy can come from personal reflection, family, upbringing, life events and personality. Being religious can affect parents and how they raise their children; it can affect personal reflections and how one deals/handles/views life events. However an atheist can have the same personal philosophy as a believer.
    The big question in human development is nature versus nurture. There are other factors that tie into college drinking of course. Psychology and sociology are not clear cut subjects.
    Here is a government article on college drinking: http://www.collegedrinkingprevention.gov/SupportingResearch/Journal/baer.aspx
    Really if the blame game is going to be played: I blame the media for misuse of science terms, the education system and societal pressures placed on adolescents and young adults today.

    • Carissa Madsen Says:

      I wish I could revise my comment. My mind wandered else where while typing. I may need to join Mike at the pub and play some shuffleboard.
      Clarification: An atheist can have a similar personal philosophy as a believer. Each will most likely have a different base for their philosophy.
      We humans are so complex.

      • darwinaia Says:

        “An atheist can have a similar personal philosophy as a believer. Each will most likely have a different base for their philosophy.”

        Exactly. I like the way you phrase it here. Worldview is a complex thing. Religious belief (or lack thereof) can have a big impact on it, but there are plenty of other factors out there. The ICR article nicely illusrates the social factors involved in this type of movement though; evolutionary theory is percieved as a key part of a large-scale influx of a percieved evil in society (at least by these groups).

    • darwinaia Says:

      Good points. Religious beliefs definitely do have an impact on drinking habits in at least some circumstances. But you hit at the biggest point the article misses; the fact that there are other factors. To trust ICR, it’s a clear-cut issue of evolution/humanism vs. religious (i.e. Christian) beliefs. They clearly need a deeper level of analysis (with other factors considered) if they are to arrive at something truly comprehensive and accurate.

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